February 10, 2012 31 Comments
Steve Wozniak
July 17, 2022
To those of you who believe that Freemasonry is a cult or a religion, or satanic, you are speaking from ignorance and not from true knowledge. Anything can be taken out of context and be made to fit any narrative, and that includes whatever religion you might profess to believe in. The truth is rather simple, in Freemasonry we use God’s word, and Jesus’s too. There is NOTHING that is done in Freemasonry that is against God’s commandments or words. We recognize as God tells us too, that there is good and evil in the world and we use rituals because they use allegories (just like Jesus) to teach us and remind us of these things and our obligations to Him and others, especially a Brother Mason, because we as Masons recognize our flaws and work to improve them through the practice of our moral virtues. All the other stuff that people make up is garbage invented by ignorant people out of fear of what they don’t know. The “secrets” that we keep are readily available on the internet, although you would have to unravel what is true and what is false because like I’ve said a lot of it is made up by fools who don’t know anything about Freemasonry, but they think they do. If they were to actually become a Mason they would be shocked to see what it’s really all about, and it’s absolutely nothing evil. It is in fact a lot of fun events, clean fun, and sometimes boring “Lodge business” meetings. We do a lot of charity work and give/raise money for charity. You can look that up. Stop being ignorant and open your eyes to the light of truth. If you are pure of intention and want to learn more, simply look up a Masonic Lodge near you and speak with a Mason. 2B1ASK1. Blessings to all.
April 26, 2024
Look up Altiyan Childs on youtube. He will open your mind to free masonry. He will reveal the origins of free masonry, which is not Christianity. It is the total opposite. There is so much that even free masons don’t really know themselves about the highest degree in this religion. They may say they believe in God, but it is exactly the opposite. This is a scary religion, to be honest.
January 13, 2021
masonry is good if you are building houses…But they say there’s 2 fathers and the angel of light is one of them hmm I’m not buying anybody here saying its good, THEY DEAL WITH THE OCCULT, FLIPPIN IDIOTS, IF YOU ARE IN A CULT YOU WILL DEFEND IT OBVIOUSLY LOL Like all of you here who have said people just see the symbols and think of conspiracies, we arent all nieve enough to believe that deluded cobble, y’all are lower level masons you don’t know their secrets and won’t get that far unless you are rich….
May 27, 2020
People should really stop pointing that Masonry is evil. They just fear what they don’t understand! I am proud to be a Member and Past Master of Joshua Lodge 1015 Chester
May 27, 2020
People should really stop pointing that Masonry is evil. They just fear what they don’t understand! I am proud to be a Member and Past Master of Joshua Lodge 1015 Chester
January 03, 2018
I thank the Highest Ranking Masons for rebirthing my Mind
January 03, 2018
if the world were all Masonic minded it would be a much better place
January 03, 2018
the masonic books alone especially morals and dogma got me closer to the Light Bringer got Me to the Truth and may the Universe through They bring you to IT too search and you shall find
August 21, 2018
May I be found worthy, and join the countless many who have been called “Brother”.
Juan York
January 13, 2023
For those who are justifying who freemasons worship, you don’t move up as a mason for those attend regular meetings at your local masonic lodge. You have to be trusted and wealthy to move up the ladder. However, you’re kept in the dark from the true secrets of Freemasonry. Do your research on the “G” symbol. It represents the first ever freemason, Gilgamesh, Nimrod, worker for satan.