January 07, 2012 0 Comments
It's 4am in the morning here in Toronto, Canada. The temperature outside is a comfortable 4°C (39.2 °F). I just finished laying the foundation of my newest website which I'll be keeping a secret for now (hint: also Masonic related). I wanted to keep on going but a nagging technical problem says that I must stop. And so I was about to hit the haystack when I thought that I'd just casually browse reddit (which is such a big mistake because this). And that's when I came across this thread with a very alluring title "What is the most mind blowing documentary you wish everyone would watch?" In it is a link to a documentary called The Pyramid Code. Now let me tell you that I love documentaries - most especially documentaries about Egypt. I thought I've seen them all! But 5 minutes into The Pyramid Code and I'm instantly hooked! I mean how many of you have heard of Abu Rowash? Okay, some of you may have heard of it before, especially if you're familiar with the work of Christopher Dunn- but trust me, you've never seen it this up-close and personal. Looks like I'm staying up late again. Damn you reddit!!!
Anyway, here's part 1:
March 26, 2024 0 Comments
FraternalTies is an original content and original Masonic merchandise small business operated by the Gomez family in Toronto, Canada. We make limited edition Masonic silk ties that sell out fast. Subscribe below and be the first to know when the next one drops!