April 08, 2011 4 Comments
April 11, 2011
Bro. Christian and Bro. Alex, thank you so much for the kind words.. Much appreciated!
April 08, 2011
My Brother,
mason or non-mason alike, you’ll never please everyone. Having owned a few of your ties, I am beyond satisfied and pleased with your product. The quality of materials and the professional craftsmanship cannot fully be shown in images. I will continue to buy your ties. As Bro. Atzinger said, we will chose whether or not to buy your product. My only complain is that you don’t have everything i want… read my first line. But, What you have, are amazing. Brother, good job. I await for you to expand and have every tie i could ever possibly want and for you to please everyone… which will not happen. In the meantime, I commend your innovation, your ideas and the fact that you will not sacrifice quality for cheap materials. You have in me a Brother and a extremely satisfied customer for years to come.alex
April 08, 2011
I agree with Mr John Doe that you shouldn’t make money from being a freemason. But you don’t your a business owner that provides a quality product for anybody to choose or not to choose to buy. Maybe of you went around to all the lodges selling them to only mason at lodge. But I never met a man and couldn’t see any brother do that. Anyway… Keep making your fine products and the rest of us will choose
Christian Atzinger /G\
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Florin G.
April 15, 2011
My Brother,
I second Alex in his statements regarding the quality of materials and the professional craftsmanship of your creations. I will continue to buy your ties. I did a lot of browsing before finding your website and decided to give it a try; the outcome has exceeded my expectations. keep up the good work, We do not pay my brother the freemason but the creation of an artist.
SF from Ottawa