December 25, 2016 12 Comments
This is a follow up to the "10 Famous Men You Didn't Know Were Freemasons" blog that I wrote about 5 years ago.
I present to you well-known US / Canada brands (alphabetically arranged) that were founded by a Freemason. Some on this list have local popularity and some are known on a global scale. Got something to comment or add? Please leave a comment below.January 06, 2017
How about Disney and Napoleon Brand of Personal Development? Am I right about these information, My Dear Brothers?
December 31, 2016
Why no mention of Captain Morgan’s rum?
December 31, 2016
Molson entry has some confusing dates
December 31, 2016
Founder of Kellogg Cereal was a Member of Battle Creek, Michigan’s Lodge #12 and great friend to Henry Ford. Ford I believe was duel member of Battle Creek as well because of his friendship with Kellogg.
December 31, 2016
Should do a list of elected officials. Would need many pages.
December 30, 2016
Bro. Wozniak is still a member of Mt. Moriah Lodge. He has been a Life Member since 2001.
December 30, 2016
You might wish to know that United States wine industry was started by a Swiss Mason, John James DuFour. For further information go to the National Historical Registry. The link is
A very interesting piece of early American history as well as Masonic history.
Best regards,
Tom Beall
December 30, 2016
That is why the burgers at Wendy’s were square and everything is symmetrical and balanced with them. Nice to know about Macy’s being founded by a brother who was a member of a lodge 20 minutes from my house. I also wasn’t aware of Chrysler or Ford, very surprised by Gillette and Apple though….
December 30, 2016
I know the folks at Mt. Moriah Lodge and looked up Bro. Wozniak’s record with the Grand Lodge of California. He is still in good standing and listed as active with Mt. Moriah 292.
Gerald Edgar
August 21, 2018
Walt Disney was a Sr. DeMolay but not a Mason. However a ‘brand’ recognized world-wide as the “best” in its field was not mentioned: Mayo Clinic of Rochester, MN – founded by the brothers Mayo who were indeed ‘Brothers’ from Iowa (as were the Ringlings & Maytag). You also omitted Louis Chevrolet and Ransom E. Olds – founders of Chevrolet & Oldsmobile (Olds also founder of REO trucks – his initials) Steudebakers were also Masons as was Tucker of the famous short-lived post-WWII car featured in a Hollywood movie a few yrs ago.